
How To: Organizing Computer Files

I recently got a new laptop and have been thinking of ways to name and organize my files.  I figure that it's better to begin organized than to try to sort it out later.  My new organization system is as follows.

Organize your files into functional folders.  So for example, I save my blog templates under ~

Documents > Blog > Templates

Then, and this is the cool part, I name the files with the date first (YEAR_MONTH_DAY).  So the template I saved today is called ~

10_03_17 blog template

By first listing the date, the files are automatically arranged chronologically.  So in my template folder I have the following three files ~

10_03_06 blog template_new fonts
10_03_12 blog template_new header
10_03_17 blog template

Now I can easily delete everything but the three most recent templates (just in case!).  This has worked very well with my resume and correspondence folders as well!  I'm loving this system so far!

How do you organize your computer files?

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